We do not endorse any business or product you may find as a result of these links. The links were chosen as a sample of what the Internet has to offer. These links are updated to ensure the pages referenced are still available. Be aware, that there are many fine companies on the Internet, but there are also those who should never be allowed to sell anything to anyone. Before entering any personal or credit card information, ensure that your information is protected, and you are actually going to receive what you are paying for.
IRS Tax forms to download - Current.
IRS Tax forms to download - Prior Years
The official North Carolina State Website, with information about public and business environments, education, State agencies and more.
NC Tax forms to download or fill in on the computer.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants - North Carolina State Society of CPAs.
Benefits Link Web Page - compliance information and tools for employee benefit plans. Good starting point for finding benefit plan related resources.
Social Security Agency online - information on SS benefits, survivor benefits, and also link to get estimate of individual's benefits to be received.
Federal tax information summary - tax rates, exemptions, Standard Deductions, etc.
North Carolina Income tax withholding information, and tables for NC employers.
The Better Business Bureau - consumer guidance, business guidance, 9/11 charity check, and various articles, information and resources to help businesses and individuals.
IRS Circular E - assistance with payroll compliance with the IRS, including instructions for employers and withholding tax tables.